Let’s talk books!
I’ve been reading up a storm recently, and when I saw a few of my favorite online book personalities do the Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag, I knew I wanted to join in on the fun!
And I know what you’re probably saying: “A book tag?”
Yeah, tbh, I’m not 100% confident in this definition, but as I understand them, a “book tag” is a way to talk about books with different prompts. People come up with the prompts, typically around a specific topic (like Sci-Fi or Romance) or time (like summer or mid-year), and then people online who talk about books (like on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, podcasts, blogs, etc.) answer the questions based on their reading.
I found out about this one from Noelle on YouTube, but if you simply search “Mid-Year Freak Out Tag,” you’ll find loads of lists from different people! And the fun of it is that if you find some creators with similar book tastes as you, these tags are an awesome way to get reading recommendations.
To be honest, I started writing this post a few weeks ago, and I’ve read a few books since then. But I’m writing this as if I was in the past, so I think I was at 27 books read this year at that point. The prompts from the tag are the headings throughout this post, and you’ll find links to purchase the book at Bookshop and Amazon and to add it to your Goodreads account below.
SO. Without any further ado… here’s my Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag!
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